Sunday, June 26, 2011

Broke Down

16"x20"- oil on linen canvas

First studio painting in awhile. I've been enjoying painting outside so much that I've been neglecting the larger canvas.

Holding On

9x12-oil on canvas board

Looking for a place to catch the clouds yesterday evening, I almost didn't get to paint. So much barbed wire and "No Trespassing" signs, but I managed to find this spot just before sunset. I especially was drawn to the big red barn and buildings across the field. I had to work loose and fast. Started at 7 and packed up an hour later.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hot June Morn

9"x12" oil on canvas panel
It's been in the 100's with about 80% humidity for the last month, with no rain. At least the clouds have been amazing. I kept having to stop and shoo off a deer that was curious about Stella. I was a little nervous that she might have been protecting her fawns. Stella pretty much just ignored her until she got too close. Forgot my camera!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Trumpet Vine

8"x10" oil on canvas panel.
I painted this in my backyard on Sunday afternoon as a storm was passing overhead. For a little rain, I would have gladly packed up and run into the house. Alas, not to be, but I'm happy I finally captured this old vine in bloom.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Brushy Creek Park

9"x12" oil on canvas panel
Stella's favorite place to play ball. This park is near my house and I wanted to paint some clouds. So, I painted in the afternoon on Saturday with the sun to my back, (in the shade of an oak), while Stella played in the mud holes that were a creek 2 weeks ago. It already feels like the dog days of summer!