Monday, October 29, 2012

Fenced In Field (studio)

oil on canvas
This little painting was a study in texture and complementary colors. I have discovered that playing around with styles and colors is easier in the studio. Then if I wish, I can go out and employ this to my plein air painting.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hay Bales

oil on linen canvas
This is my latest studio painting. I've been experimenting with cold wax and neo-megilp medium with brush and knife techniques.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Afternoon Glow

oil on linen panel


Fall is (almost) in the air. Still a little warm, it was in the 90's this weekend, but great weather for a paintout. I visit this area due to it's open spaces so my little nearly blind girl can roam safely. She likes to make sure I'm Ok.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Patch Of Trees

9" x 12"
oil on linen panel
A cold front came in on Saturday, temps dropping over 20 degrees, perfect for plein air painting.
I grabbed my painting gear and my little shadow, Stella, and headed out. I ended up in a field down a dirt road and painted near the tree line so as to block the wind. ( I neglected to carry a jacket and wore only a short sleeve shirt ). I LOVE FALL!